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Can flexible working reduce your gender pay gap?

Published: 25 Sep 2019


"Your gender pay gap tells you that your organisation probably has fewer women in better paid, more senior roles; more in less well paid, more junior roles; and probably more women than men in part-time roles.

This matters.  Gender diversity at the top delivers better performance: fact."


"Rethink the norm 

…research shows that people who are open about their desire to achieve work-life balance (who tend to be women) are penalised, while those who operate under the radar (who tend to be men) face no such penalties. [6]   Sharing real stories of flexible working especially in more senior roles is vital, as is promoting flexible working at key points for men (such as becoming a father, or returning from a period of parental leave), and building into all annual reviews a discussion with men and with women of their work-life aspirations and current balance.  Normalise it.  Bring it out into the open.  Until flexibility truly does become ‘the way we do things here’, it will continue to be gendered in its use and in its impact.  And the gender pay gap will continue to remind us of our failure to make the most of the talents of 50% of our people."


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