Fair Play South West is made up of individuals and organisations based in the South West of England that share a commitment to promoting gender equality and eliminating gender-based discrimination and disadvantage wherever it may exist, and by all available means. Fair Play South West's vision is political, economic and social equality for women in the South West. We seek to gain recognition for the value of women as leaders in their communities, local governmnt and more widely. We campaign for a feminist democracy.
Network members are invited to contribute to regional responses to policy consultations, make suggestions for the priorities and work of FPSW, attend specialist policy seminars and volunteer to help with specific campaigns and projects.
Fair Play South West also maintains a wider database of people who are interested in attending events related to women’s equality, but who cannot commit to being more active at a regional level.
The Women's Equality Network is run by a Board of volunteers.
To register as a member of Fair Play SW, to be added to our wider database or to express interest in joining our Board, please fill in and send a joining form 21.89 KB to
For further information see our website: www.fairplaysouthwest.org.uk and follow us on twitter https://twitter.com/FPSouthWest .